Sunday, June 14, 2009

Turn your eyes

Hi everybody

Today was hard to keep focus on Jesus, I was singing the music " Turn your eyes upon Jesus" I ask to God open my heart and open my eyes. I asked God pls let me hear what is , not I want to hear.

I feel proud when someone start said to me good things, what I did, or how I look gorgeous or how Maru is hardworking, or how I so good to others and caring ..etc etc etc I feel bad.

What I want people see through me is How I need God, because I am not perfect and every day I have my struggles and God help me day by day.

Each day is a challenge , isn't it? It is hard to be humble,
But, It is God who help me every single moment ... He give me the strenght and the courage to do what I have to do.


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