"I had a question to you ", the Pastor said. Who is your God? and my mind start "think! think!think!"hmmm... I have lived most of my life believing in one God. The Supreme being , the Creator and the Ruler of the universe. Who am I worshiping? We had worship God or ourselves? Who am I reverenced? How much I know God? Everybody have different perpectives , I had heard somebody said we are God because we control our life and destiny. Is that true? Can we control our body against pain? Some people can do it. Hindus people can walk on fire stones and they don`t feel pain . I can`t do it =P. hehehe...
I believe in one God who loves me. My God loves everybody.My God is the begin and the end.
Who doesn`t have any disappoiments? I can hide in my God wings and I feel protected and loved. I can talk to Him and my God never judge me . He knows my character, my imperfections and my mistakes.
How can you find God? I have my own experience and I know how God reveals Himself in this world. If you know His son Jesus, you will know Who is God.
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