Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pastor Joe Wright 's Prayer

The prayer as delivered on January 23, 1996 by Pastor Joe Wright to the Kansas House of Representatives.
Heavenly Father, we come before You today to ask Your forgiveness and seek Your direction and guidance.

Lord, we know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good," but that's exactly what we've done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.

We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it moral pluralism. We have worshipped other gods and called it multi-culturalism.

We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.

We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.

We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation.

We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.

We have killed our unborn and called it choice.

We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.

We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building esteem.

We have abused power and called it political savvy.

We have coveted our neighbors' possessions and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our fore-fathers and called it enlightenment. Search us oh God and know our hearts today;
try us and see if there be some wicked way in us;
cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people of Kansas, and who have been ordained by You, to govern this great state.
Grant them Your wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of Your will.
I ask it in the name of Your Son, the Living Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

COLD WINTER bbrrr...

Itwas freezing in Japan when I was visiting last February but now in Oz, it was not only chilling but we are scare about the new flu among us .

Everybody said this year is much colder than last year. I agree.

The houses here maybe are not suited for cold weather. It is freezing inside !

When I was moving from Japan to Australia, my Japanese friends laughed when I told them I packed my "Kotatsu" . It is an electrical heater table. You will never use this electrical table .

After one year I set up my heater table and It is warm and confortable to knit and quilt at the table .I decided to do a gift to myself I made the grannybag for me and I am doing the quilting to my table as you can see. It is not finished yet never mind I have the whole winter to do.


Granny's bag

I did it !! It is an amazing little small bag and so easy to do!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today it was a good time to be with friends. We laughed a lot and wow a delicious meal has been prepared to be appreciate. Thks MSY for this wonderful lunch.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hi everybody

It is hard to understand that life is difficult , that love is not easy , and the sour and bitter times , suffering and failure, are inevitable for each and every one of us .

It is difficult to me to understand and accept that the darkness belongs to our human condition and we must live and bear it .

I recognize that we have the darkness of our painfull feelings and that we have to accept the true sense of life, our capacity to love and create meanings between our joy and our despair , that they not remain divided or hidden from one another. It makes life easier.

What I am trying to say how hard is for me to push myself doing things I don't want do.

Forgive is not a simple process. Apologize for something is easy , but how about your inside Do you really forgive?

When you have to forgive someone and think you have to put this in the past and don't think about it anymore or when you don't want to be with some specific person, it is hard to avoid.

What I have to do? I think in three words .. Hide, Avoid and Pretend the problem is not there.
I remember one Sunday the pastor's message says " when you do this you have killed the person or in other words you have commited murderer. "
Last two days I had a hard conversation with my daughter, I was surprised by her , when she talked a lot of things I have never imagined. She has been hurt by me . She is suffering in silence and after come out she feels relieved.
But for us adults, how should we do something against our feelings?or How many times I have "killed" someone?
I think to forgive someone is not easy and It is long term process.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hi everybody

I noticed when I like someone and this person make some stupid things ..I start to criticise. Then, I realized how mean I have been.
I remember when my father refused to take his medicine ...ooh...we had a big fight not only me but my mom joined me as well .It happened every day ....He was so sturborn =(
He said " My God will heal me .
He didn`t take his medicine and refused to go to the doctors.
That was a hard time . My father runned to toilet to vomit blood every night .
After every horrible episode my father insisted again." My God will heals me. "

I am not say I am not believe in miracles. In the Bible we have a lot miracles . But I believe in Science and Medicine as well and when we see someone we love ..we have to do something. haven't we?

We had to smash his medicine into his glass of milk.

He used to drink the milk without knowing the medicine was inside and he used to complain where have we bought the milk because it has a horrible taste.

Since then my father stopped going to vomit every night .

I discovered there is a substitute for criticism. It's called love. Love heals. Love protects. Love builds up. And more change occurs with love than with criticism.
And that is the kind of Love come from God because you don't need to make your point, that you are right , but you are more interested in the well been the other person.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Dear Friends

I want to pray for who need heal.

Jesus Christ is our healer ,I came to God to plead for friends , who needs be restored and be healed.

"Heavenly Father, I am reached by your love , and your love never ends. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go. Help my friends who are sick . Give them strenght to stand this tough times.

I praise you for everything and all honour and glory belong to you Jesus , my Saviour.

In Jesus name


Turn your eyes

Hi everybody

Today was hard to keep focus on Jesus, I was singing the music " Turn your eyes upon Jesus" I ask to God open my heart and open my eyes. I asked God pls let me hear what is , not I want to hear.

I feel proud when someone start said to me good things, what I did, or how I look gorgeous or how Maru is hardworking, or how I so good to others and caring ..etc etc etc I feel bad.

What I want people see through me is How I need God, because I am not perfect and every day I have my struggles and God help me day by day.

Each day is a challenge , isn't it? It is hard to be humble,
But, It is God who help me every single moment ... He give me the strenght and the courage to do what I have to do.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shirley's Quilting

It was good to see her smiling face . She was shining =D



Hi everybody

Today was good ... We were invited ( Scarborough Baptist Craft Group) to Australia's Biggest Morning Tea event. We donated not only a gold coin (1 or 2 Australian dollars) for the cuppa of tea or coffee. Everybody donated something homemade to sell and raise funds for cancer's cure research.

Mateship is an Australian cultural idiom that embodies equality, loyalty and friendship. (Wikipedia)

In Oz, we are mates ( more than friends). I was deeply touched by Australian people, how they care each other. In February the whole world have heard about the bushfire disaster on the news. It was amazing , the support given by the Australian people is remarkable.

GBU Australia

First Prize * Japanese Patch bag


Aussie animal's in Quilt


Craft Fair

Last week, I have attended the Craft Fair . It was amazing !!!!! Everybody was running between stands like chooks and it was very crowded . Everyone want to see, to touch, and talk ...ask...most commom phrase was ...How much? Ohhh..so expensive! How do you do this block? ...Uau!! It is amazing, Delightful, Gorgeous...Expensive`s fabrics, buttons,neddles, treads, etc etc etc.. patchwork it is not a cheap hobbie. =(
I like the patch gallery. This year fair honoured "Royal Flying Doctors" . In Oz is a huge country with people living in remote place with no doctors and hundred kilometer far away the cities.
The Royal Flying Doctor , they are all volunteers. They have a big prestige and status been a Royal Fly Doctors.

Blog Bienvenidos

Hi Everybody
It is amazing how internet can change lives. I met a new friend on the internet . We have the same love for JC and for quilting. She visits my blog I visit her blog and we can share same passion... ( God, quilting, children our likes and dislikes....etc etc etc)
How great is our God that bring us together.
Thank You Odette ..Muchas Gracias for your amazing quiltings

Thursday, May 14, 2009

my 12 blocks quilting lessons

I made this patch for teaching purpose. So anyone who comes to my class at Scarborough Baptist Craft Group can pick one to learn.

Last Sunday

When I saw this quilt on a magazine I fall in love. I am so happy because I will finish it this week.
It cost me though, some short slept nights.( I don`t how to express in English, but I didn't sleep because I was so excited to see my almost finish project).

A Bed Cover to Annie

Wow, this quilting I almost finish , but this is belong to Annie . I have met a lot people that start struggle at this stage and now she can finish!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Teaching Quilting

I always have been envolved with craft , and now I am doing quilting. It makes me happy working with fancy and beauty fabrics and it can also be very challenging. My love of teaching patchwork led me to join the Scarborough craft group and I have been almost 3 months and we meet on Tuesday at 9:15 am and also we have not only my group, but have other groups that teaches stiching cards, scrapbook, painting,beading,origami ( folding papers) and knitting.
My favourite quote of sentiment about this group is being happy for what you have got and don't worry about what you haven't got.Sometimes, I have to warned to them pls check your work before cut, or make sure what are you doing? and always read the instructions first , check twice and cut once etc etc etc...
I remember my first quilt (10 years ago). It was a disastrous..or I could say a horrendous disastrous craft project I have made it. I was the worst patch student ...I have to admitted, I am not always perfect. Because, I have learned about my mistakes. I can advice not to do the same.The good thing is I never give up and because of this I always push my students to finish.
Sometimes I might be strict and what I want is my students could be enjoy what they are doing. At the same time it is good to keep in touch with other people and to make friends and share the same passion.
I know one lady , she comes to my class and not to learn patchwork but to talk and express her ideas.
I want to thank my family to let me do what I like to spend the time with sewing, quilting and chatting.

my little tiny bag

simple , easy and fast...

Mother's Day

From the Heart

The word of this poem mean a lot to all mothers. Jacky Ayres has designed it into a lovely piece you could frame , make into a wall-hanging or cushion.

Happy Mother`s for all Mum's


Stiching`s Time

It was 6 years ago,when I made it and this stiching ribbons flowers hand towel still one of my favourites works.


kitchen`s mat

One , of my students did this beautiful kitchen`s mat. Hiroko san Congratulations!!!!. I am very proud.
I like when my students start some quilt and finished!!!
I love it !

Thursday, April 30, 2009

my child

I remember when my child was a baby and as I watched her sleep at night . It is reminded me there are still things to stand up and fight for.


Today I have lost my temper waiting a bus that didn`t come and patience is not one of my virtues . I was furious again. I saw my friend, and my angry has gone.How hard life might get , no matter how sad I was, life can still hold joy and a friend's smile could brighten up the darkest day.

There is always hope and there are always miracles and they happen every day.



Monday, April 27, 2009


Hi everybody

"I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strenght". Philippians 4:13

Living in Oz , gives me a lot of motivation to learn new things. I am a person who loves learn everything. I believe, because I am a kind of curious person . I want to learn everything and something new. It doesn't matter what I have learned. One day it will be useful.

You will always find with me a book in Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese or Chinese and of course English. I bought an eletronic dictionary and it is wonderful..I have learned a lot.

It is like a desperation I want to know and I don't know why?

I read Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and English news every day and these take me 2 hours per day and I am a not good reading in Chinese but my listening and speaking are very good. When I speak with Chinese people , usually they don't know I am not Chinese and they get a big surprise when I tell them ...I am Brazilian.

The odd situation, when I was in Taiwan , the taxi driver asked me where I came from ? immediatelly ...- Ooh..I am from Brazil. and he replied Where is Brazil in China ?Is it a province? ( ps. I was speaking Chinese with a taxi driver)

Learning another language are not about vocabulary and grammar, but for me is exciting to learn the culture specially cuisine and lifestyle and the history.

I like live in Oz because here I learned a lot greetings in diferents languages. Here I found a lot different cultures in one place.

I don`t consider myself a brighty person that is why I always want to learn .



Lord, protect me and my loved ones and my new friends from evil people, from disease, from temptations when faced with hardship. Help me become the woman You have created me to be.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

my dream ?

Two days ago, I have an odd dream. I was sleeping ( of course! =P)...and in my dream I was watching TV in a big apartment . Suddenly I saw my husband was talking to me . So, he was selling my 7 sofa's collections to a man. Of course, I disagreed with him.He already given his word to this man. I tried to convice him it wasn`t a good idea. In the other hand, I could see this man . This man was good in business and very cunning.

So, I was sitting in my green, big leather sofa and I tried to stop him. I was angry.

I didn`t know what was happened , but I woke up during my dream and I started to complained to my hubby."Why are you selling my sofas? "and my hubby looked at me ." hmm? Oh..I am sorry" and returned to his peacefull sleep .

The funny thing was, I was angry for something that didn't happen and more odd I guess when he apologized for something he didn`t know.

quilt shoes

I love this "quilting shoes". They look confortable and made by hands.
My new hobby ...hehehe sewing patchwork shoes...I hope I can be more creative , mixing collours and stiching some flowers... I got some ideas and it will be wonderfull !!

I hope my students would like it.


Sunday Morning

It was a good time . Meet people and hug them and we were surrounding for happiness. I am happy because one of my friend . Ops! He is not only just a friend . He is my Irishman friend. Oh!Yeah! He is very proud Irish man =D. He was recovering from an operation and when I saw him at the church and his wife together my heart was overwhelmed .

It is good , when we pray for something and we received back in blessings. Some of my friends have asked me if pray, does it make any difference? or Why I pray ?

My own prayer life has been changed through the years. When I was child , I have prayed in my birthday, my mom could gave me the toy I wanted or for silly things...like "Pls God my sis and I have a big fight and I hope you could give to her a chicken pox" ( I was mean, of course this kind pray God never will never listen =P). As a teenager I have prayed ..hmm...for having a cute cloths and shoes and all Michael Smith Cd`s and as a young woman ...of course a cute boyfriend ( this one God has listened me hehehehe...) and I married with him =D.

Some of my prayers were unanswered so far . Some of my prayers were of worship and sometimes I cry a pray of desperation.

In others words, to pray to God with everything you have and everything you are. It doesn`t matter the way how you pray or choose the words . I assure you God listen you.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday

Today I got a lot time free...the good thing is we didn't have anything to do...holidays ahh it is so good. A long time I want to eat "esfiha" it is kind a Brazilian meat pie.

So, I have a plenty of time and I decided to make "esfihas". I want to thank who invents the internet. For us migrants, the first thing we always miss is our favourite food and I did my research and I found plenty of esfiha recipes.

But , I created one mixed to another recipe...and Tcharan... I made it ..It was so wonderful my hubby, my daughter and I ate for afternoon lunch ...It was so good!! YUMMY!!!! I love it!
I hope I can remember the recipe =P

Friday, April 10, 2009

Curious Scene

Hi everybody

Every day I take my daughter to school and we always talk , about the weather or what the birds are talking? In Oz , we have a lot of birds. I have never seen in others countries so such big variety of wild birds living in the same town .

We can find the laughing Kookaburra, seagalls, parrots, cockatoo,rainbown lorikeet, galah, ducks, black swan, pelican, etc..etc and finaly the Australian Magpie.

Every morning , my daughter and I always playing guess , What are they saying to each other? Because they are so noise and they making a lot of different sounds and are singing at dawn.

So, we are keep focus what are they singing? and sometimes we get a lot of fun.

- ahhh...I keep a worm to your lunch do u want? ....cra cra cra ( I imitated the bird)

or - pee pee pee ..Do you want married me ? and the Kookaburra has a recognisable laugh...hahahaha ...Do you want married me ? I am male and you are male...we can`t hahahahaha or thank yiu yiu thank yiu ...( I imitated other bird)

Yesterday, We saw a very interesting scene...when we almost arrived to school have a lot magpies whose were watching and making a lot of noise. They were watching one bird on the ground who was up side down and chuckling . My daughter and I were frightened ...hmm " I thought the magpie was dying".

The first time I saw the magpie. I didn't know his name , so I always called their "panda crow" they are black and white collouring.

I was afraid to get close . I didn`t know how to do ? because a lot of them was watching and they were on the school gate and looking very anxious. I didn't want to bother them.

Suddenlly , the magpie turned to up and the others seemed so happy they all took off together and make louder chirping sound .I thought ..hmmm... magpies were happy .

I think how important is having good friends which can encourage us when our life is up side down.

Thank you to my new friends who make my life easy to deal.



Sou Grato ao Senhor ( Thank you Lord)

Sou grato ao Senhor por todas as provações ( Thank you Lord for all wilderness)
Que me fazem crescer em Ti ao deixa-lo agir ( Make me strong when you touch me)

Sou grato ao Senhor pois as provas vêm transformar ( Thank you Lord who persevere under trial)
Tu me sustentarias com a tua mao ( Lord support me with your steady hands)
Mas é difícil ti entregar meu egoísmo e assim deixar ( But it is hard to give up my selfishness)
Que o Teu Espírito controle o que Eu sou ( Holy Spirit teach me at the time what I should say)

Mas quando chegam as provações ( When the wilderness comes)
Eu logo quero agir ( I want act)
E a voz de Deus, assim eu deixo de ouvir ( and I don't hear the God's voice anymore)

Sou grato ao Senhor pois as provas vêm transformar ( Thank you Lord who persevere under trial)
Tu me sustentarias com a tua mao ( Lord support me with your steady hands)
Mas é difícil ti entregar meu egoísmo e assim deixar ( But it is hard to give up my selfishness)
Que o Teu Espírito controle o que Eu sou ( Holy Spirit teach me at the time what I should say)

Sou grato ao Senhor pelas lutas que eu vou viver ( Thank you Lord for the struggle I will have)
Posso vê-lo a me proteger e me desviando do mal ( I can see you protecting me and keep me away from the evil)
Pois prometeste que em cada provação ( Lord, you have promised and every trial you would protect me)
Tu me sustentarias com Tua mão ( Lord support me with your steady hands)
Sou grato ao Senhor porque a vitória é crescer em Ti ( I am thank you Lord because the victory risen with Him)
Entregando-me todo a Ti, a vida é bem melhor ( I give myself to the Lord and my life will be better)
Oh Meu Senhor! ( Oh , Lord)
Quando Tudo se acabar, ( when everything is finished)
Tua face vou contemplar ( Behold the Lord`s face)
E contigo morar ( and dwell with you forever)

this music encourage me a lot I know in Portuguese but I don`t know if have in English, so I translated . I know it is very difficullt to translate music ( losing ryhm and poetry) but I try my best .

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Childhood Memories 1

hello =D

Today, we were watching TV. "Funniest Videos". So, I decided write down my families childhood memories.

When I was 6 years old, the company where my father worked was transfered him to Manaus in the middle of Amazonas rainforest. All our suitcases were packed , my mom was pregnant and my siblings and I are very excited. It was our first flight !
We were on plane and ran around and played during all flight.
When we arrived, my father's co-workers took us to our new house.I don`t remember the house I was lived. But, I remember very well the part of jungle at back of my house.
There were a lot fruit trees like banana, papaya, guavas, jaboticaba( Brazilian fruit ) It was wonderfull ! I was very fortunate to live in a house where I had plenty of childhood adventures.
I was a queen and I had my kingdom and my siblings ..poor them , they were my servants =P.
That is a good thing to be the oldest.
I was bossy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Quilting's Time

hello =D

It is ver good to finish things .Today, I finished my school essay. I finished a 400 pages book in 2 days and I started and finished my quilting. For me it is not hard to finish, when I start something I want desesperately to finish and I feel relieved.

I feel proud but the problem is I stopped and postpone everything else. My laundry, a late dinner and sometimes I forget to eat because I am so excited doing what I love it.

Reading, quilting, singing ,cooking and ...shopping are my passion ..hehehe
Look what I did in 4 hours today non stop.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

some of my patchwork students

Yesterday,my students spoiled me a lot. I received a lot of gifts...and more bizarre, it was not my birthday. They gave me flowers and one Japanese plant shrubs and beautiful flowers and another old lady gave a lot patchwork books, another lady gave me patchwork stencil, another lady gave me cook books... I was surrounded a lot good grandmas =D
and at the lunch break YUMY delicious cakes and a good cuppa !

My students are so nice. I blessed have so such good class. They do and did so good quilting. I proud of them. They surprised me every week ...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hello everybody

This last Summer it was quite event full. It was consisted with a lot ups and downs as well. The down have been very hard and made me question a lot lot lot things , where is God when it hurts?Why is this things happens to me? I think I have learned to handle stress better these past few months than I have before.

First of all, I got gallbladder surgery in January ..That was good , because I know now it was not ulcer . I have did self medication , Why didn`t work this medicine? I have took ?of course It was not ulcer. In other hand I miss my English test for Graphic Designer .

Then ,after one month, I travelled to Japan for " holidays " for 2 weeks .It was fun and good. But I received bad news fm my home in Brz, my father pass away. and I didn`t know how to cope ...the weather in Brz was terrible hot and my family want to bury him in 12 hs. My mom told me It was not necessary to rush. She understood my situation and when I get time I will see his grave when I came back to Brz for my sister's wedding.For Asian, it is not good you not going to see your old folks when they died. They will judge you and blame you.

The good thing is my family totaly understand ..my absence.

Living far has your consequences.

After ... I am running a patchwork lessons at Scarborough Baptist Church, I have to prepare lessons...and I have to go Bible College,studing New Testament and I have assignments to do and I have to do my usual housewife routine.( daughter, husband,house, supermaket, shops, dentist, optomestrist...)

I am so depressed because a lot bad things happened in a small lack of time . I don`t know until now. How I could survive? I feel guilt over sins because I understand I am not perfect and I have my limits.

" We all have shadows and skeletons in our backgrounds. But listen, there is something bigger in this world than we are and that something bigger is full of grace and mercy, patience and ingenuity. The moment the focus of your life shifts from your badness to his goodness and the questions becomes not "What have I done?" but "What we can do?" release from remorse can happen; miracles of miracles, you can forgive yourself because you are forgiven, accept yourself because you are accepted , and begin to start building up the every places you once tore down. There is grace to help in every time trouble. That grace is the secret to being able to forgive ourselves. Trust it " The Ragamuffin Gospel pg 117 Brennan Mannnig

and I love it , and I feel better ...the "Grace" is my secret to heal myself



Today`s Sunday Service Message

" The Father's love is revealed in the Son`s"



Hello everybody

This year is driving me crazy and sad. Last year it was so fast and I have a lot things to do . I still learning English but now at Bible College and I chose other way to improve my English and I still settling down. It is complicated when your background is from Brazil ( Latino) and your face looks like Asian and I have lived almost 5 years in Japan and now I live in Oz ( Australia) . Sometimes, I don't know how to act. Asian or Western way? Which identity I will settle?But I am happy being a citizen of heaven.

In Japan , they don`t kiss each other.. they don`t hug each other ..they don`t show emotions. They are always preocupied about outside and they always nodded or bow down their heads.But, I love kiss ...specially the children and grandmas. I remembered when I kiss a old Japanese lady's cheek. She was freaking out and She was paralysed. Then I started not touch people too much.

In Brz we not kiss one time, but three time and it is not enough, we have to hug and sometimes shake our hands firmly and we always say to each other ...."Oh it is lovely to see you!" and for any age, could be young, teenagers, old people....

In Oz I always confused =P I don`t know wich one is right or wrong? In here we have so many cultures...Like I know we never give the left hand to compliment Arab people .This is not polite to them.

Today at Sunday service, I didn't kiss or hug someone. Sometimes, I shaked the hands and I could tell I kiss only three person and I hug them very firmly ( all elderly and lovely ladies).

I fell so good when I got the feed back.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Did you know?

    Funny things I didn't know

  • The onion is named after a Latin word meaning large pearl.

  • Approximately one billion snails are served in restaurants annually.

  • Botanically speaking, the banana is a herb and the tomato is a fruit.

  • The world's oldest existing eatery opened in Kai-Feng, China in 1153.

  • The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.

  • Chop-suey does not come from China. It was created by Chinese immigrants in California

  • The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat", which means "the king is dead".

  • There are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call.

  • The dollar symbol ($) is a U combined with an S (U.S.)

  • The white part of your fingernail is called the lunula

  • Emus cannot walk backwards

  • Pinocchio is Italian for "pine head."

  • There are six five words in the English language with the letter combination "uu." Muumuu, vacuum, continuum, duumvirate and duumvir, residuum.

  • The pupil of an octopus' eye is rectangular.

  • An animal epidemic is called an epizootic.

  • Other than humans, black lemurs are the only primates that may have blue eyes.

  • The two longest one-syllable words in the English language are "screeched" and "strengths."

  • A Chinese checkerboard has 121 holes.

  • Giraffes have no vocal cords.

  • All porcupines float in water.

  • In Chinese, the words for crisis and opportunity are the same.

  • The smallest mushroom's name is "Hop-low."

  • The poisonous copperhead smells likefresh cut cucumbers.

  • Anne Boleyn had six fingernails on one hand.

  • Bananas do not grow on trees, but on rhizomes.

  • Cat's urine glows under a blacklight.

  • Vincent Van Gogh comitted suicide while painting Wheat Field with Crows.

  • An iguana can stay under water for 28 minutes.

  • Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.

  • QANTAS, the name of the Australian national airline, is a (former) acronym, for Queensland And Northern
    Territories Air Service.

  • Almonds are members of the peach family.

  • A bear has 42 teeth.

  • The original story from Tales of 1001 Arabian Nights begins, "Aladdin was a little Chinese boy."

  • Other than fruit, honey is the only natural food that is made without destroying any kind of life! What about milk, you say? A cow has to eat grass to produce milk and grass is living!

  • Xmas" does not begin with the Roman letter X. It begins with the Greek letter "chi," which was used in medieval manuscripts as an abbreviation for the word "Christ" (xus = christus, etc.)

  • "Hara kiri" is an impolite way of saying the Japanese word "seppuku" which means, literally, "belly splitting."

  • The term the "Boogey Man will get you" comes from the Boogey people,who still inhabit an area of Indonesia. These people still act as pirates today and attack ships that pass. Thus the term spread "if you don't watch out the Boogey man will get you."

  • At McDonalds in New Zealand, they serve apricot pies instead of cherry ones.
    The word "samba" means "to rub navels together."

  • Chicago is closer to Moscow than to Rio de Janeiro.

  • Original copy of the Declaration of Independence is lost. The copy in Washington D.C. is what is referred to as a holograph. That is a term for a handmade copy of a document and is not the same as a laser produced hologram.

  • Singapore is the only country with one train station.

  • There are only four words in the English language which end in "-dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

  • Mickey Mouse is known as "Topolino" in Italy.

  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear

  • An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

  • The oldest word in the English language is "town"

  • The sea wasp is half an inch long at best and more poisonous than any other jellyfish known to man.

  • Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

  • Cinderella's slippers were originally made out of fur. The story was changed in the 1600s by a translator.

  • It was the left shoe that Aschenputtel (Cinderella) lost at the stairway, when the prince tried to follow her.

  • Cinderella is known as Tuhkimo in Finland.

  • There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs six times: Indivisibility.

  • Japan is the third most densely populated country in the world. First is the Netherlands, followed by Belgium

  • The "D" in D-day means "Day". The French term for "D-Day" is "J-jour".

  • Female orcas live twice as long as male orcas. The larger numbers of female orcas in a pod are because of the female's longer lifespan, not because the males have collected a harem.

  • Most spiders belong to the orb weaver spider family, Family Aranidae. This is pronounced "A Rainy Day."

  • Avocado is derived from the Spanish word 'aguacate' which is derived from 'ahuacatl' meaning testicle.

  • The second longest word in the English language is "antidisestablishmenterianism".

  • Native speakers of Japanese learn Spanish much more easily than they learn English.

  • Native speakers of English learn Spanish much more easily than they learn Japanese

  • New Zealand kiwis lay the largest eggs with respect to their body size of any bird.

  • Cockroaches' favorite food is the glue on envelopes and on the back of postage stamps

  • Dr. Seuss pronounced "Seuss" such that it rhymed with "rejoice."

  • Compact discs read from the inside to the outside edge, the reverse of how a record works.

  • The term "Mayday" used for signaling for help (after SOS), it comes from the French term "M'aidez" which is pronounced "MayDay" and means, "Help Me"

  • Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.

  • A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

  • In Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart never said "Play it again, Sam."

  • Sherlock Holmes never said "Elementary, my dear Watson."

  • Captain Kirk never said "Beam me up, Scotty," but he did say, "Beam me up, Mr. Scott".

  • Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

  • The most sensitive finger is the forefinger.

  • Mr. Spock's (of Star Trek) blood type was T-Negative

  • A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.

  • A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

  • Venetian blinds were invented in Japan.

  • Rabbits love licorice.

  • Panama hats come from Ecuador not Panama.

  • Seoul, the South Korean capital, just means "the capital" in the Korean language.

  • Elvis had a twin brother named Jesse Garon, who died at birth, which is why Elvis' middle name was spelled Aron; in honor of his brother

  • Horses cannot vomit.

  • Rabbits cannot vomit.

  • Dalmatian dogs are born pure white, they don't start getting spots until they are three or four days old.

  • Marijuana is Spanish for 'Mary Jane.'

  • The Australian $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes are made out of plastic.

  • Virgina Woolf wrote all her books standing.

  • Coca-Cola was originally green.

  • Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.

  • Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters.

  • Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better.

  • There are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet.



Hello everybody

When you become a mum, one of the exciting thing is your child start talking their first words. Sometimes father and mother expect the first word is dad or mum.
I used to work in a company where we have a co-worker called George. He was our handyman. Everything I need it . I called him.

- George , could you check the inventory?
- George, could you fix the back door? it is stuck.
- George , could you buy my lunch at hungry's jack?
-George, could you go to bank and discount this payment?
-George...George..George...George ...

So everything my daughter need it ..small to big things...She was hungry or need to change her nappies she called = george..george..george..

It was frustrating but very cute and funny and everyone laughed and we got good memories.

My little trip

Hello everybody

I have been away for last three weeks .I have already came back from Japan . It was a good to spend time with my friends. It was a pleasant time, specially I was with my little daughter.

My hubby couldn't come with us . I was upset and I missed him.

I visited my old neighbourhood and my daughter visited her ex- classmates. Everything looks the same except for some new buildings and some shops were closed I think it was because the economic crises has hitten hard Japan. Some of my friends lost their jobs.

In Japan all Cedar trees started the polinization. They call "cafuncho" . It is a kind polen allergy.

So, I got polen allergy. My eyes started to itch and my nose was running non stop.

And the strange thing it was the weather ...It is spring but 5 times it was snowing. It was fantastic to watch in front your window the flock of snow coming very slowly and melted in your warm hand. In cold weather the japanese people like hidden inside kotatsu table.

I liked been inside a "kotatsu table" It is a electrical heater table and it have a blanquent around it. I got warm and relax.

My favourite time it was walking while it was snowing when I lived I did a lot walking when I was in Japan . It is amazing how the landscape change through out the year.

I had a good time but it was good come back Australia . My promise land

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Maru's Faves

My favourite food is : Noodles
My favourite collour: green
My favourite fruit: plum
My favourite sport: Volley
My favourite game: Tetris
My favourite animal: Chow Chow dog
My favourite cartoon: Sponge Bob
My favourite magazine: Better Homes and Gardens
My favourite place: Bookstore
My favourite cloth: pajamas
My favourite shoes: Croc slippers
My favourite hobbie: patchwork

my hubby , my daughter and I

Hi everybody

Before my daughter was born...I used ask my husband..

"Honey, could you check my mails for me? or
Did you have a nice day? How is your day? Could you see my mom ? Could you invite my family for a dinner?....

That was nice..only me.

Today it is different.

I don`t know why? I realize , if I need my husband ..my daughter needs him too.

Packing bags...My daughter in her bedroom and I in my bedroom.

"Honey could you help me pick my luggage ? Yes.

"Dad, I need you... Yes, I am coming.

"Dad , do you think I will need more socks? Hmm I don`t know..?

"Honey Where r u?

"Honey do you think it will be cold there? Yes, Take a jacket

"Dad r u busy?

"Dad , How many games Can I bring?" Only 2

"Honey.." " I am coming..."

"Honey do you have check bus and train timetable ?" Yes , I will do


"Dad, Have you seen my pencil case? No, I didn`t see it

"Honey ...I need you"

"Honey , Do you know where is my wallet?No , I don't

"Dad , pls I need talk to you!" Yes, I am coming...

"Dad , Can I have my dog today or tomorrow?or when I came back" Not now, sorry baby

"Honey ?!?" .." Wait a moment I am coming..."

"Honey , Could you charge my mobile?"Yes

"Dad , Pls could you take my towel? "Yes

"Dad ...
"Dad ...

Is it some type of competition? If so ...the winner is not my hubby. hehehe ...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

learning English

There are six five words in the English language with the letter combination "uu." Muumuu, vacuum, continuum, duumvirate and duumvir, residuum.

The two longest one-syllable words in the English language are "screeched" and "strengths."

There are only four words in the English language which end in "-dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

The oldest word in the English language is "town"

There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs six times: Indivisibility.

The "D" in D-day means "Day". The French term for "D-Day" is "J-jour".

The second longest word in the English language is "antidisestablishmenterianism".

Native speakers of Japanese learn Spanish much more easily than they learn English.

Native speakers of English learn Spanish much more easily than they learn Japanese.

The term "Mayday" used for signaling for help (after SOS), it comes from the French term "M'aidez" which is pronounced "MayDay" and means, "Help Me"


Bob the lizard

Hi everybody !!!

My lizard friend come back again to visit me ! Arghh!!! I will named Bob the Lizard.
This time I have received it very well. All my friends told me ,they are harmless and nice to have in your garden. I prepared a good meal ( pieces of peach) and Voula ! Bob ate all 4 pieces of peach , it was a good signal. But , Bob the lizard run away...Maybe , tomorrow Bob will come back. I hope it. I start to like him..hehehehe

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I love music. My favourite songs come from all around the world. In Brz we have influences of many kind of music styles. When I was at College I learned MPB ( Brazilian Pop Music) and Bossa Nova. I always attended the church and I used to sing at the choir.My church was formed by Brazilian -Taiwanese and I learned some Taiwanese, Chinese and Brazilian Christian songs. It is amazing how music can touch everyone, everywhere . I sing when I am happy. I sing when I am sad .I sing when I am sick .I sing while I am dancing . I sing when I am bored. I sing while I use my computer .I sing when I go to the bath . It doesn't matter the situation I love singing. Sometime I don't just sing but I praise.

Every week I have a song ..I repeat and repeat again . It depends of my "week mood".
I love Christian`s music , , Chris Tomlin, Michael Smith, Brooke Fraser, Reuben Morgan, Joel Houston, Lenny Le Blanc, Beth and Matt Redman, Rush of Fools ..., my favourite songs for this week are " Saviour King" and "Hosanna". They have amazing lyrics and the singer put so much heart into it , it leaves me breathless every time I listen it . The many other songs by Hillsong have a similar effect on me.

Both music has a nice tune and I really like it . So I listened them a lot. I was doing my hair and my make up this morning and I was listening to them fm my Ipod .

I like verse 2 and chorus... "...Let now Your church shine as your bride That you saw in your heart as you offered up your life, Let now the lost be welcomed home By the saved and redeemed those adopted as your own..Let now our hearts burn with a flame A fire consume all for your Son's holy Name and with the heavens we declare You are ou King..." (I love this part..)

Thinking to myself , WOW what an awesome song . So I put it on repeat and singing over and over.


Saturday, February 7, 2009


I am a very deep sleeper. It is not easy for me fall asleep, but once I am sleep , I am dead to the world. But if I haven't a good reason to wake up, be careful I will lose my temper.

My hubby when he sleeps, he is really dead. No fire alarm, earthquake, nor horrendous disaster could awaken him from his beauty sleep. I remember when I was living in JPN, It was having a earthquake and I scared and He didn`t wake up .

I honestly wonder if it is some sort of illness, I don`t understand my hubby "sleeping beauty disorder".My husband has not 1 alarm clock but 2 , to wake him up in the morning. Each are set to go off 5 minutes apart from each other so that he might be able to hear one of them and wake up.

However, for me it is terrible I have to wake up and turn off his alarm clock.

Hot Chai Latte

My first Chai Latte, It was amazing. I will never forget.
I have never tried before , for me from BRZ .It is a big challenge, request my own coffee without language knowledge. My English is not perfect and my grammar for my point of view is terrible. So , I was in the line at Coffee shop and I saw many types of coffee and tea...hmmm..I will choose Chai Latte.. I guess the meaning hahahaha. In my confused mind ( Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese culture) .hmm... It`s Chai for tea ( Portuguese is Cha) and Latte ( Portuguese , milk is leite and Spanish is lecche). I concluded with my capacity to guess , Chai Latte it is Tea and Milk.
For my language mistake...heehee I love Chai Latte.
I went to Woolworths ( Supermarket) and I found many types of Chai latte. I bought , not 1 but 10 boxes of different blends of Chai tea.
The good one is "Twinings, A lightly spiced Black tea infused with ginger and cinnamon , flavoured with star anise and clove. Yummy...
I appreciate so much Chai Latte.
I love those Chai latte avaiable at coffee houses around town, but I hate paying 3,50 dollars for a drink. So I start my research of the recipe for a Chai tea. I didn`t try it , but it is a recipe to start tinkering with.
Homemade Chai Tea
Makes 4 cups

2 cups water
2 black tea bags
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 cup honey
2 cups milk, soymilk or milk substitute
In a medium saucepan, combine water, tea bags, vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, allspice and honey. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and allow to steep for 30 minutes. Remove tea bags. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. To serve, combine equal parts of tea mixture and milk. Heat on stovetop or in microwave.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

For this I am grateful

Waking up to a new day .
Discovering love among my everyday friends.
Flannel Pajamas
Cherry Ripes
Toilet paper ( Have you imagine the world without toilet paper?)
My daughter
My hubby
The snow melting and the cherry blossoms beginning to bloom

Good laugh

Good cry


Sewing Machine


Laundry Machine


Living in a country where I can be anything I want to be

A smell of baked apples and cinnamon fills my kitchen

Just having enough

Star Wars

Indiana Jones

My marriage

Feta Cheese

Olive Oil


Cooking Books

Mistery Books


The way my daughter looked into my eyes

Wedding pictures that bring me back memories of the best day of my life

My daughter's pictures that bring me back memories .How she is growing up

Every morning my hubby kiss me

I know what I am doing here , and I have a lot of work to do

The gift of music , which follows me everywhere

Not wanting what my neighbor has

Living in a safety country

A smile from my husband

The chance to sing all day, every day

Sunday mornings, the church, new faces, Sunday service, a cup tea, and a time to just be.

The smell of my daughter's feet, fresh and new

The stories seniors tell me

A beautiful blue sky. I wish that everyone who`s not live in Oz could experience the view from my backyard.

The sound of rain on my windowpane as I fall asleep.

People in my life who make me laugh, and there are a lot of them

Baked macaroni and cheese, with cheese in every bite.

The colour pink

Legs that can walk, arms that can hug and eyes that can see the beauty around me.

My first trip to JPN

Popcorn, coke and a good movie

Ozzie beautiful beaches

To love and be loved

Dogs that wake you up with cold nose

Friends who aren`t afraid to say , "I love you , and I praying for you.

Friends who aren`t afraid to ask a favor

For my family

For my brother who lives in TX

The written word and endless cups tea

For my mouth I can speak

For my ears so I can hear

Having a ability to forgive. It is not easy to forgive

A husband who's I have to wake up every morning

My new friends in Oz .

My family and new friends. We keep getting better at loving and supporting each other.

My Friend who traveled for 12 hours just to see me for one.

Old friends who cry in cars

Time to live with wonder and curiosity


Christmas Music

My hubby who might not always understand me but always loves me

My hubby's soft hand to hold as we grow old together

To my Heavenly Father who always taking care of me

Finally , "I pray that you have everything in life you want , but more important , I pray you want everything in life you have"


I am grateful for just being me

I believe in Jesus Christ

I am slipper lady ( I love wear slippers).

I think everybody wants to be loved

I am scared of mice and lizzards and snakes

I love "I remember" song on the Halmark commercial

I regret for silly things I have did

I care about how others feels about me

I pray for people who needs care and love

I read Bible

I always listen music when I play on the computer

I dance when I am happy

I cry when someone hurts and I couldn`t help

I write long letters

I hate when my cake burn it

I should phone to my friends

I am not always right

I always sing in the shower and in the car

I am not ready to go to work

I miss fry polenta

I smell basil fm my garden

I hide from bad guys

I wish I could sleep more

I watched 7 news

I need more space

I don`t have space to put my stuffs

I realize my toilet`s flush is broken

I hear my husband complaints

I hear my daughter complaints

I fear mean people

I crave Cherry Ripes.

I send SMS to my hubby almost every day

I like spend money in treads, fabrics, stationery,books,neddles...

I wish my sister could marry this year.

I hope I could go back to my hometown and take my books

I wonder I could not kill my plants.

I love when my hubby call me only "marutian"and kiss my head.

I hate when my hubby call me "marutian,marutian tsc tsc" and waved his head.

I have to learn How to drive a car.

Monday, February 2, 2009


"I had a question to you ", the Pastor said. Who is your God? and my mind start "think! think!think!"hmmm... I have lived most of my life believing in one God. The Supreme being , the Creator and the Ruler of the universe. Who am I worshiping? We had worship God or ourselves? Who am I reverenced? How much I know God? Everybody have different perpectives , I had heard somebody said we are God because we control our life and destiny. Is that true? Can we control our body against pain? Some people can do it. Hindus people can walk on fire stones and they don`t feel pain . I can`t do it =P. hehehe...
I believe in one God who loves me. My God loves everybody.My God is the begin and the end.

Who doesn`t have any disappoiments? I can hide in my God wings and I feel protected and loved. I can talk to Him and my God never judge me . He knows my character, my imperfections and my mistakes.

How can you find God? I have my own experience and I know how God reveals Himself in this world. If you know His son Jesus, you will know Who is God.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Scaring Day

I found in my garden a big blue tongue bobtail stink lizzard . That has scared me!!!! yiiiuuu =(
and It is endangered. Why is it always happened to me? ( In Japan I have seen a white snake ! brr....)

Monday, January 26, 2009


If you don`t know...

Pleonasm. The use of more words than are necessary to express an idea, redudancy...

1. "China is a big country,inhabited by many Chinese ( Prince Charles)

2. " I know that if you leave dishes in the sink they get sticky and hard to wash the next day" ( Arnold Schwarzeneger)

3." I love kids.I was a kid myself,once" ( Tom Cruise)

4. "Do you have blacks,too?" ( George Bush ,in a conversation with a Brazilian president )..this is not pleonasm, but it is funny!!!

5. "I can do anything you want me to do as long as I don`t have to speak" ( Linda Evangelista)

6. "I build my body to carry my brain around "( Sylvester Stalone) ??????

7. "More and more of our imports are coming from overseas " ( George Bush)

remembering good moments

Hot Chai latte with double- whipped cream, a cupcake looks delicious , especially when beautifully decorated with frosting , a good book on rainy holiday , the snoring sound of my Chow- Chow dog makes when he sleeps, and the lovely wrinkles around my husband`s eyes when he smiles ,The time I was watching my daughter when she is still sleeping ,the first smile I saw in my daughter face, my baptism, my first paycheck at my first job. Love stories, both real and imagined...