Waking up to a new day .
Discovering love among my everyday friends.
Flannel Pajamas
Cherry Ripes
Toilet paper ( Have you imagine the world without toilet paper?)
My daughter
My hubby
The snow melting and the cherry blossoms beginning to bloom
Good laugh
Good cry
Sewing Machine
Laundry Machine
Living in a country where I can be anything I want to be
A smell of baked apples and cinnamon fills my kitchen
Just having enough
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
My marriage
Feta Cheese
Olive Oil
Cooking Books
Mistery Books
The way my daughter looked into my eyes
Wedding pictures that bring me back memories of the best day of my life
My daughter's pictures that bring me back memories .How she is growing up
Every morning my hubby kiss me
I know what I am doing here , and I have a lot of work to do
The gift of music , which follows me everywhere
Not wanting what my neighbor has
Living in a safety country
A smile from my husband
The chance to sing all day, every day
Sunday mornings, the church, new faces, Sunday service, a cup tea, and a time to just be.
The smell of my daughter's feet, fresh and new
The stories seniors tell me
A beautiful blue sky. I wish that everyone who`s not live in Oz could experience the view from my backyard.
The sound of rain on my windowpane as I fall asleep.
People in my life who make me laugh, and there are a lot of them
Baked macaroni and cheese, with cheese in every bite.
The colour pink
Legs that can walk, arms that can hug and eyes that can see the beauty around me.
My first trip to JPN
Popcorn, coke and a good movie
Ozzie beautiful beaches
To love and be loved
Dogs that wake you up with cold nose
Friends who aren`t afraid to say , "I love you , and I praying for you.
Friends who aren`t afraid to ask a favor
For my family
For my brother who lives in TX
The written word and endless cups tea
For my mouth I can speak
For my ears so I can hear
Having a ability to forgive. It is not easy to forgive
A husband who's I have to wake up every morning
My new friends in Oz .
My family and new friends. We keep getting better at loving and supporting each other.
My Friend who traveled for 12 hours just to see me for one.
Old friends who cry in cars
Time to live with wonder and curiosity
Christmas Music
My hubby who might not always understand me but always loves me
My hubby's soft hand to hold as we grow old together
To my Heavenly Father who always taking care of me
Finally , "I pray that you have everything in life you want , but more important , I pray you want everything in life you have"
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