Sunday, September 7, 2008

Father's day

Hi everybody =D
September 7 .Today is Father`s day here in Australia...The funny thing is in Brazil Father day`s is second Sunday of August , in Japan is second Sunday of June . My husband demand three Father`s day celebration. It is amazing !!! But for me Mother`s day is the same day around the world. I think the reason is that it is more important and unified .

You are a Wonderful Husband

You are my partner in Love, my dearest companion

My soul`s my truest mate through this jorney of life

You are my haven when the day is long

my shelter when times are hard

My support when I am challenged.

And my very best friend on this earth ...

Yours is the face I want to grow old with

And yours in the hand

I want to hold at the end of the each day for the rest of my life.

Lots of Love and HAPPY FATHER`s Day again.

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