Hi everybody
Every day I take my daughter to school and we always talk , about the weather or what the birds are talking? In Oz , we have a lot of birds. I have never seen in others countries so such big variety of wild birds living in the same town .
We can find the laughing Kookaburra, seagalls, parrots, cockatoo,rainbown lorikeet, galah, ducks, black swan, pelican, etc..etc and finaly the Australian Magpie.
Every morning , my daughter and I always playing guess , What are they saying to each other? Because they are so noise and they making a lot of different sounds and are singing at dawn.
So, we are keep focus what are they singing? and sometimes we get a lot of fun.
- ahhh...I keep a worm to your lunch do u want? ....cra cra cra ( I imitated the bird)
or - pee pee pee ..Do you want married me ? and the Kookaburra has a recognisable laugh...hahahaha ...Do you want married me ? I am male and you are male...we can`t hahahahaha or thank yiu yiu thank yiu ...( I imitated other bird)
Yesterday, We saw a very interesting scene...when we almost arrived to school have a lot magpies whose were watching and making a lot of noise. They were watching one bird on the ground who was up side down and chuckling . My daughter and I were frightened ...hmm " I thought the magpie was dying".
The first time I saw the magpie. I didn't know his name , so I always called their "panda crow" they are black and white collouring.
I was afraid to get close . I didn`t know how to do ? because a lot of them was watching and they were on the school gate and looking very anxious. I didn't want to bother them.
Suddenlly , the magpie turned to up and the others seemed so happy they all took off together and make louder chirping sound .I thought ..hmmm... magpies were happy .
I think how important is having good friends which can encourage us when our life is up side down.
Thank you to my new friends who make my life easy to deal.
1 comment:
Hola Maru....que buena comparacion ha hecho usted....ojalá imitaramos más más algunas conductas que vemos en el reino animal...
Que tenga un buen día en conpañia de su familia.
Dios les bendiga.
Cariños Odette
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