Thursday, January 8, 2009

After Christmas ....

Hi everybody
Sorry for been absent...The last week December 2008 ...I got sick.
First of all , I finished my Certificate 3 - Spoken and Written English at Central TAFE . It is similar to Y10 .
I have decided continue my studies and I had enrolled to do Desktop Publishing at Central TAFE .Unfortunately , I coudn`t sit for the tests because I was in the hospital. I got gallbladder stones.
They couldn`t postpone and I don`t know what to do this year =(. I was upset
But I get some ideas hehehe.I need move on.
The things We lose lose have a way of coming back to us in the end , if not always in the ways we expect. These are my toughts.
"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven" Eclesiastes 3:1

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog. Your English is generally good and I think that practising writing in this way is a good idea! - but why at 3am....

What do you consider a GOOD book? Murder stories, Jane Austen or what? I would be interested to know. I did not know that you enjoyed gardening. I do too - but my garden needs some attention at the moment - lots of weeds and a bit overgrown, I'm afraid.
