1. I am a mother.
2.I am a selfish person.I don`t share my husband , neither my daughter.
3.I have got a scar on my right hand , When I was preparing a birthday cake.
4. I have 6 sisters and 3 brothers.
5. I was born in March.
6. I love to eat spicy food.
7. I have been to Disneyland two times.
8. I haven`t owned any a mobile phone for the last 5 years.
9. I type slowly.
10. I apreciate polite people.
11. I can speak to 3 people at the same time.
12. I have more than thirty scarves.
13. I have more than fifteen hats.
14. I like drawing.
15. I like to learn piano.
16. I have used he same perfume for ten years.
17. I have an ulcer.
18. I have fifteen copies of Japanese fashion Magazine "Very"
19. I enjoy walking.
20. I live ten minutes from the beach.
21. I know how to prepare a good meal.
22. Day of my birthday.
23. I talk with my flowers every day.
24. I have a huge DVD collection. Sorry, I don`t lend.
25. I like to play hide and seek.
26. I like to play UNO.
27. I make a wonderful cheesecake without cheese.
28. Every day I always cook better than the previous day.
29. I read the book " Five Love Language"
30. I always lose when I playing games.
31. During the Summer, I always wake-up at 5:30 am.
32. During the Autumn, Spring and Winter . I always wake up at 6:30am.
33. I am afraid of snakes, lizzards and alligators.
34. When I was 5 years old ,I lived in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest.
35. I am allergic to metal .
36.I have all this Smallville DVDs.
37. I love eating regular Rucula and Spinach an dry tomato salad
38. I love to eat nachos.
39. I can make 100 dumplings non stop.
40. I like gardening.
41. I have studied Law.
42. I enjoy sewing, knitting everything_ that use neddles.
43. I wish my husband could remember our anniversary.
44. I have in my garden shallots, parsley, green paprica, cumcumber, red pepper, dill. thime, and differents kind the flowers.
45. My favorite flower the Daisie.
46. I love reading cooking books.
47. I love my husband
48. I love my daughter.
49. I love watching Chinese soap opera.
50. I love eating tapioca pacankes.
51. I like putting on make up.
52. I like eating bread with salami.
53. I like Helmanns . The Real Mayonnese.
54. I am not confortable using stairs and ladders.
55. I afraid to trip when I am running.
56. I am afraid of heights.
57. I love shopping.
58. I love eletronic gadgets.
59. I have acne =(
60. I am an imaginative person.
61. I am not a pick woman.
62. I love travelling.
63. I am an thoghtfull girl.
64. I like meet new people.
65. I am an easygoing person.
66. I am an optimistic person.
67. I cry when someone call stupid.
68. I like wearing dress.
69. I often remember my dreams.
70. I have few good friends.
71. I would like to have a large house.
72. I have good parents in law.
73. I am an enthusiatic person.
74. I speak when I an asllep.
75. I like folding papers.
76. I prefer tea.
77. I love to take photos.
78. I have a lot Japanese dishes.
79. I like sticking notes around the house.
80. I have friends around the world.
81. I have Kotatsu - Japanese eletrical Heat Table
82. I like watching movies.
83.I read the Bible.
84. I wish I could have a Doll House
85. I would like to join a Choir.
86. I hope my daughter studies more Math.
87. When I was 15 years old I wanted to play Bass.
88. I don`t like eat Sour food.
89. I used to have long hair.
90. I used to attend a Japanese Cooking Class.
91. I like the collour Orange .
92. I have had 5 maltese and 1 Chow-Chow dog.
93. My sister is a lawyer.
94. I unable to decide quickly. I don`t know what choice to make.
95. I love singing everywhere.
96. I love myself
97. I don`t undestand financial stuffs.
98. I like holidays.
99. I am beautifull ( laughing out loud)
100. I know a woman aged who is 100 years old
101. I love pandas.