Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Scaring Day

I found in my garden a big blue tongue bobtail stink lizzard . That has scared me!!!! yiiiuuu =(
and It is endangered. Why is it always happened to me? ( In Japan I have seen a white snake ! brr....)

Monday, January 26, 2009


If you don`t know...

Pleonasm. The use of more words than are necessary to express an idea, redudancy...

1. "China is a big country,inhabited by many Chinese ( Prince Charles)

2. " I know that if you leave dishes in the sink they get sticky and hard to wash the next day" ( Arnold Schwarzeneger)

3." I love kids.I was a kid myself,once" ( Tom Cruise)

4. "Do you have blacks,too?" ( George Bush ,in a conversation with a Brazilian president )..this is not pleonasm, but it is funny!!!

5. "I can do anything you want me to do as long as I don`t have to speak" ( Linda Evangelista)

6. "I build my body to carry my brain around "( Sylvester Stalone) ??????

7. "More and more of our imports are coming from overseas " ( George Bush)

remembering good moments

Hot Chai latte with double- whipped cream, a cupcake looks delicious , especially when beautifully decorated with frosting , a good book on rainy holiday , the snoring sound of my Chow- Chow dog makes when he sleeps, and the lovely wrinkles around my husband`s eyes when he smiles ,The time I was watching my daughter when she is still sleeping ,the first smile I saw in my daughter face, my baptism, my first paycheck at my first job. Love stories, both real and imagined...

Sunday, January 25, 2009


hope, hoped, hoping - n 1. the feeling that what is desired ia also possible , or that events may turn out for the best . 2.particular instance of this feeling ; the hope of winning 3. grounds for this feelings in particular instance: There is a little hope of his recovery 4. a person in whom or thing in wich expectations are centered :The drug was the patient's last hope .5. to look foward to with desire and reasonable confidence.6. to believe, to trust .7. to feel that something desired may happen 8. archaic to place, trust ; rely 9. hope against hope , to continue to hope , athough the situation does not warrant it . ( fm The Random House College).

Today at Sunday Service the message was about Hope. In my mind , I started think ...I hope being a good mother, I hope winning lotery without buying it, I hope my hair could grown fast, I hope my dirty dishes could clean by itself, I hope one day I could have magical power and my house could clean by itself, I hope one day my husband could remember our anniversary. ..

I think hope and faith for Christians walk side by side.

In my language studies I can`t understand the difference between the words wish and hope . It is very confusing . I remember , someone told me we never say " I hope you Merry Christmas" Because hope contains uncertainty .

Today , the message remind me that hope for Christians is a certainty, an assured fact.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hi everybody , I love reading . Anytime and anywhere I always have a book in my bag.It can be a magazine or newspaper.Every night before I sleep I have to read. I can`t sleep well if I not read one page.

My favourite books are Cecelia Ahern, Jane Austen, Patricia Cornwell, Tolstoi, Danielle Steel, Janet Dailey, Mark Twain, J K Rowling, Philip Yancey, Brennan Manning, C.H. Spurgeon, C.S.Lewis, Rick Warren, Tolkien, Max Lucado, John Stott, John Loyd Olgivie, Marian Keyes, Mineko Iwasaki, Dallas Willard, Eugene Peterson, Larry Crabb, James Houston,JB Philips, Gary Chapman ,Andrew Murray, A W Tozer, Russel Shedd etc etc etc and patchwork books, craft books, cooking books, biografies, Modern history and Ancient history and dictionaries and that is not all I have more ..hehehehe .Futhermore ,the best book of all is the Bible...I have learned a lot from there and I am still learning.You can find principles and promises for your every day needs . The Bible show us how God love us from the beginning to the end.

I have joy when I read the Bible .

I encourage my daughter to read and She loves reading like me...and our favourite place to go is the library and the book shop =D

Thursday, January 8, 2009

After Christmas ....

Hi everybody
Sorry for been absent...The last week December 2008 ...I got sick.
First of all , I finished my Certificate 3 - Spoken and Written English at Central TAFE . It is similar to Y10 .
I have decided continue my studies and I had enrolled to do Desktop Publishing at Central TAFE .Unfortunately , I coudn`t sit for the tests because I was in the hospital. I got gallbladder stones.
They couldn`t postpone and I don`t know what to do this year =(. I was upset
But I get some ideas hehehe.I need move on.
The things We lose lose have a way of coming back to us in the end , if not always in the ways we expect. These are my toughts.
"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven" Eclesiastes 3:1